Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Could it be?
NAH...probably not...but I am sure loving this song, by Mika.
The video below does not feature Mika. Just a couple of random guys, lip-synching and dancing to the song Lollipop. They're pretty cute...especially the one who plays with his junk. ;-)
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Random silliness
And here she is, later that night. She had been playing with some of her new birthday toys at the dining room table, and fell asleep...just like that! This, from the kid whom I've had to nurse to sleep almost every night for the last 5 years!
Lolo turns 5!
I do hope to one day give her a big birthday party, but at this point I don't think she'd be as happy. She's comfortable, and happier, here at home, with people who love and know her best.
On Sleepovers...
Monday, May 21, 2007
Obsession, Part II
Hint: The video isn't funny at all...but if you're a proud WoWer, the audio will crack you up.
Which Book Are You?
You're Watership Down!
by Richard Adams
Though many think of you as a bit young, even childish, you're
actually incredibly deep and complex. You show people the need to rethink their
assumptions, and confront them on everything from how they think to where they
build their houses. You might be one of the greatest people of all time. You'd
be recognized as such if you weren't always talking about talking rabbits.
Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
My New Obsession
World of Warcraft, of course! I'm loving it so much, it's not even funny. My friend Dan (who I hold partly responsible for my madness) told me of people who have been in counseling because they're WoW addicts.
(That Wiki link is huge, BTW).
My feeling on the addiction aspect is that it's a crock of shit, personally. If someone is playing WoW (or any other game, really) for several hours a day, every day, and not developing or nurturing relationships, slacking off from work, or school...if they're not eating, or reading, or masturbating, or swimming, or what-have-you...then they've got bigger issues than gaming, IMO.
Whew...all that just to say: At least I have chicken!
Here's a cute YouTube clip that a couple of Shelby's friends sent her...thanks for the link, Noah and Levi.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Shelby's got a new blog!
I enjoy reading what she writes. I hope she never wants to hide her writing from me.
When I was 13, I didn't want anyone (especially my MOM) reading anything I wrote. I still have trouble with that, sometimes...letting others read stuff I write.
At my last Writers Group meeting, I let one of my friends read a bit of fluff I had written after a particularly trying night with Lolo. Just crap stuff...anger, despair, pity (for myself), whathaveyou. I couldn't even sit there while she read, I got up and went to the bathroom. When I returned, she asked me if I had ever shown the piece to Dave.
NO way I could have shown it to my beloved David. He stresses way more than I do, and I didn't want to burden him with that kind of raw emotion. I already felt like the worst Mom in the whole world, just for writing out my thoughts...why would I add the guilt of (possibly) hurting Dave's feelings on top of the guilt I already felt?
Speaking of Writers Group...I really must get motivated to write more! There are a couple of writing projects I'd like to tackle, and I've been reading Writing Down the Bones, so hopefully I can find some inspiration...and soon!
SF Mania!
(See previous post here for more details...or actually, DON'T see said post, especially if you haven't eaten yet. Or, especially if you are in the process of eating breakfast, or lunch, or dinner...whatever...you may not want to read that post. In fact, if you're prone to nausea at all, you may not want to read here...I'm all about getting the gory details out in the open. There, you've been warned).
So, Lolo hasn't been struggling with constipation lately (good news), but she still plays with her poopy diapers. And if you're not fast-on-your-feet-quick-as-a-flash to change her soiled diaper, then just realize that you are going to be cleaning up a little shit-covered hand, in addition to the soiled diaper.
Hence: Shit-Fist.
My older kids even know how to warn me: "Mom! Shit-Fist!" Or, "Mom...Lolo's shit-fisting again!".
And, yes...I do know of that other definition for the word fist, and that the word shit PLUS that other definition of fist introduces a whole new level of depravity here at A Beautiful Child, but let's face it: Shit-Fist is truly the best way to describe this little...ahem...activity of Loryn's.
Earlier this evening, I was downstairs with the girlies. While I puttered around online, they were watching Family Guy together, and we were all happy as pigs in shit (pun intended). All of a sudden, Ash calls out, "Oh my God...Shit-Fist, Mama!".
Crap! (Literally, ha ha).
I turned around to see Loryn sticking her hand down the back of her diaper, and while I shouted, "No, No, NO, Loryn!", she pulled her hand out (covered in poop, of course) and a little clump of shit fell to the carpet.
I groaned, probably sounding like some sort of wild beast, in labor.
And what did Lolo do?
She smiled, and then laughed out loud! Had the nerve to laugh at her Mama, who had to clean up this poop on the carpet, gagging and retching through it all!
Oh, but how could I stay pissed off at my girl? Look at that punim!
These are from after her bath:

(No, that isn't a third nipple on Loryn's chest...just a bump).
So, because I had a shitty day (again...pun intended...I'm so fucking witty tonight!), I treated myself Big Time! after all that mess.
Did I ever mention how much I love iTunes? I bought Rufus' new album (YAY...I got it early!), and (because I had forgotten all about it!), Afternoon Delight (two versions: the original, by Starland Vocal Band, and from Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, Will Ferrell's version.
Speaking of Will Ferrell, (and, if you like Will Ferrell), check out this clip. Dave sent this to me, and I get the giggles every time I watch it. NSFW, by the way...there are a few bad words.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Happy Mama Day
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Yeah, my kid did this...
What a neat kid I have.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Rufus news!
Check it out...especially "Going to a Town". Very political, and timely.
Monday, May 7, 2007
White and Nerdy
All 12 NLSVers (Natural Learners of the Shenandoah Valley) who attended the Weird Al show (May 2, in Glen Allen, Va). None of us kewl Moms are in this pic, unfortunately.
Tori is to the far right (in white shirt), Ashlyn is grinning in the center (kind of), wearing a light blue jacket, and Shelby is to the left with her friend, with short hair and yellow hat.
We all had a great time. Weird Al rocks!
Sunday, May 6, 2007
TV as school?
I know many of you don't do TV at all or only in a very limited capacity. But for those of you whose families *do* watch: what are your favorites? What should we check out and be able to "call it school"?
Here is my reply, which took a couple of hours to put together. Lots of good stuff here. So much, in fact, that I got a little lost hopping from link to link, reading reviews and articles and planning future tapings on our DVR.
Well, you know us...we learn from every thing! Books, TV, music, internet...they're all equally valuable here. I don't like calling any of it "school" though...*ugh*...what an ugly word that is . That's why I like the NLSV "Educational Freedom" parties. No mention of that vile place whatsoever!
Anyway, here are some rambling thoughts about what kinds of things we've been enjoying lately, specifically from television.
MHD (High Def Music): I just recently blogged about some of the cool shows I've recorded on MHD. Chili Peppers Live in Milan, Storytellers-Green Day, etc. All good stuff.
VH1's Best Week Ever (Oh, come ON...a good dose of pop culture is just as good as Shakespeare anyday)! We don't watch much on VH1 at all, except for this little gem. Oh, and their I Love the 80s (and 70s and 90s)!
On BBC America, we're watching Robin Hood (another good friend suggested this one to me). Also, on BBCA, Whose Line is it Anyway (the original, British version, of course)!
Oh hell...I'll just make a list of some of the stuff I've got saved (or am set to record) on the DVR.
On NBC, we watch The Office, 30 Rock, and My Name is Earl. These are just fun to watch together...no real learning going on, unless you consider the human behavior element in these shows ( if you've ever worked in an office, you'll know that The Office is spot on)! Arrested Development, natch...still the best show ever. I record it for the hell of it...we already own the entire series on DVD. It's just that good of a series.
OK, on to the impressive, snobby stuff! ;-)
BBCA: ShakespeaREtold: Much Ado about Nothing
Caligula: Reign of Terror (not sure which channel this was on, probably History)
The Planet Earth series on Discovery HD
On HCI (History International):
Investigating History: The Holy Grail
Adventure of English (history of the English language)
Strange Egypt
Naked Archaeologist (Jesus: The Early Years and John the Baptist)
Infamous Murders (Murder by Decree and Intent on Murder)
The Worst Jobs in History (Shepherd boy, nettle farmer, sin eater...good stuff)!
On Discovery Health I'm recording Reality Matters: Teen Sexuality and Healthy Decadence with Devin Alexander: Chocoholics Unite!
On Biography: Ancient Mysteries with Leonard Nimoy and The Unexplained: Cannibals
On ALTVN (I admit, I have NO idea what ALTVN stands for...if you know, give me a holler. I'm stumped). Anyway, two shows that looked promising were: Til Debt Do Us Part and Fixing Dinner.
((Hmmm...both of these showed up as Canadian TV shows...the plot thickens.))
On HIST (History Channel, duh), I'm recording Spider Man Tech and The Amazing Story of Superman for my geeky fan-boy. OK...for me, too. Comic lovers unite!
Other, random shows we usually record: Law and Order SVU, Legends of the Hidden Temple , on Nick GAS, The Magic Schoolbus, on TLC, Penn and Teller: Bullshit!, on Showtime, Weeds (also on Showtime), and Heroes (NBC- Just started watching this one). OH, Gray's Anatomy (Yes, I'm a chicky-poo).
Of course, I'm recording American Idol, but I root for the worst singers. I'm that girl.
Happy TVing!
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
May Day happenings
Tomorrow! We just can't wait till tomorrow! A group of us from co-op are taking our kids to see "Weird Al" Yankovic in Richmond! I think I'm as excited as the girls are! Poor Dave, I think he'd really want to go, but he's gonna sit this one out (he probably doesn't want to be with a bunch of women and their kids, anyway)! :-) He'll stay home with Lolo, while I take Ashlyn, Tori, and Shelby, along with Adesa and her two boys, Connie and her son, Danette and her four kiddos, PLUS we're meeting a couple of boys from our homeschool group in Richmond (they're staying with relatives, so we'll meet them outside the arena).
I think it's gonna be a good time.
Here's a little blog-quizzy thing I found whilst blog-hopping. Personally, I think it's pretty accurate.
You Are an Indie Rocker! |
![]() You are in it for the love of the music... And you couldn't care less about being signed by a big label. You're all about loving and supporting music - not commercial success. You may not have the fame and glory, but you have complete control of your career. |
Happy May Day, everyone!