I'll just go ahead and get this out of the way: If anyone reading here has experience toilet-training little almost-5-year-old-Autie kids...I NEED HELP! Advice is most welcome, as well as "Been there, done that" stories.
And drugs! Um, I mean...medication, is always welcome. Legal or not-so-legal. No questions asked.
Step 1: I went to Wal-Mart today and bought most of the size 4 and 6 panties I could find for Loryn. Yes, I bought Barbie and Disney Princess crap, but hey...that's all I could find. Maybe I should have looked at the boys section, to see if they had Bob the Builder or Thomas the Train?
Shit...strike one.
But, she does seem to like the Princess panties. She wore a pair for several hours today, with no complaints. This is BIG for Lolo...she craves the security of a diaper, I think, and so when we tried panties before, she would bring me a diaper and frantically waves it in my face, wanting to put it on so she could pee or poop.
Step 2: I also bought a new potty-chair. At this point, I really hesitated to do so. Loryn actually sits on the toilet seat when I'm in the shower, so I know she can reach the toilet with no trouble. Still, I thought we might need a smaller seat for her to be *really* comfortable with the whole toilet-training saga, so I bought a new seat. No bells and whistles, but it has a really soft little toilet ring, and a lid, and it's CLEAN. Did I mention we already have a very plain, old, and pretty dirty potty-chair? But this new one has a FROG sticker, so that makes it better, right?
I'll keep you posted. With several of us fighting colds (including the subject of this little experiment) it may be a bad idea. But I've just got to give it another try. You know why?
Two words: Shit fist.
If you've never felt the sheer joy of cleaning up a screaming kid's shit-covered hands and arms, well boy-howdy...you just haven't lived!
Shit Fist?!? Oh my ... nw you've given me a visual image that will surely last throughout the day.;-) With that image in mind, I certainly understand your sense of urgency. I wish I had advice. I did everything wrong, and my older kids eventually learned to use the toilet in spite of me. (((Hugs)))
Oh sweetie, I've been there, done that. My oldest smeared feces for years...lots of fun..and she was six before she was bowel trained and eleven before her bladder matured.
HAve you had her checked out by a gastroenterologist? We found out that MAndy was often impacted because of her irregular habits. She eventually took lactulose ( a sweet syrupt prescription) that helped her eliminate regularly. It really helped.
FAS is different from what you are dealing with, but don't give up. It will happen, just a lot later than you wish! Look at my Mandy now--she is a true beauty and very clean now that she is nineteen!
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