When we first began our homeschooling journey almost five years ago, I made the mistake of joining a large, local homeschooling support/co-op group. For many reasons that I won't go into now, let's just say it was NOT a good fit (and they very well may have thought the same thing, about us).
A couple of years into our now UNschooling journey, and we found a great all-inclusive, non-sectarian group of open-minded, considerate, compassionate souls. Most of the Moms in this group parent in much the same way as us (read: non-coercive, gentle parenting), and I'm lucky to call many of them friends. And the kids in the group? Oh, wow...what a neat bunch. All of them: funny, smart, and kind. Not that they're little shining angels who "Yes Ma'am" and "No Sir" and chew with their mouths closed and have perfect penmanship and whatever...but who likes those kinds of kids, anyway? ;-)
Anyway, we haven't seen our group of friends in a while. The co-op met once in December, for a holiday party, and we haven't been to any meetings since then, even though the group has met twice in January. No, the Parrs have been taking it easy since the holidays, what with Loryn's erratic sleep schedule (or lack of schedule, period) and all. But when we missed this past Friday, I felt a little guilty.
So, I decided that after we were all up and moving, I'd treat the girls to a shopping spree. I had a little extra spending money (from Christmas and such), and Shelby had LOTS of money to spend, so I thought we'd treat ourselves. And what does a shopping spree mean to the Parr family?
Here are some books we bought:
Shelby bought a couple of Manga of her own (Vampire Knight being one of them), with her own money from Christmas. She's trying to save some of her money for her trip to Chicago this summer, but she just had to buy herself some pink and black-striped over-the-knee socks at Target. They're actually pretty cute, especially paired with a Jack Skellington t-shirt and some camouflage pants. Oh, rule of thumb: when your 13-going-on-20 daughter asks how she looks in a new outfit, the answer is not "Cute". I don't know what the answer is supposed to be, but just trust me...don't say "cute".
Shelby and Tori have already read their books, and have traded back and forth. They're pretty considerate of each other). Shelby is even allowing Tori to read her much-valued Harry Potter books (Tori's working her way through Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets , and is nearly finished). Ashlyn has been sharing facts from her Shipwreck Detective book with us, and is clearly understanding concepts of North/South and East/West. The book came with a compass, which she calls a comp-ASS, because it's funnier that way. :-)
When you think about it, there's nothing quite like a book, is there?
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