Thursday, March 27, 2008
OK, enough with the gushing!
Yes, another Rufus video. NO, it has nothing to do with Autism, or my kids, or unschooling, or homeschooling, or what-have-you.
It just makes ME happy, and it's my blog and all that. Don't watch, I don't care. DON'T fall in love with this delicious gay man...goddess knows one 35 year old, married Mom to four, rabid fan is enough.
The poor baby.
Oh, BTW...Happy (Gay) Friday!
Autism: The Musical
If you subscribe to HBO, you should really catch this documentary. If you don't subscribe to HBO, you least for the month, just so you can maybe catch it. ;-) I think it's available on HBO On Demand now.
EDITED 4/1/08: I just found that Autism: The Musical is available online! Check it out!
Dear God. I cried through the whole thing. I even laughed through some of it! And I fell in love with Wyatt, a sweetheart of a kid with a bully at school and a penchant for the word "dick" (he's the first little boy in the clip, on the swing). A couple of the kids reminded me of Ash, but it was Loryn I kept thinking about, and the big questions that the film brought home for us: What happens when Dave and I are gone? Will she ever have "real" communication? Will she ever live on her own? Is it enough, just to love her the way she is?
One of the questions I've asked myself ever since she was little, and we knew Autism before we got the official word from the docs: Will she ever say, "I love you, Mommy"?
The answer is yes. Yes. YES! Two nights ago, out of the blue, she told me she loved me.
So, there's that.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Thursday Happiness
What can I say? I love me some chubby, bearded comedian ass.
S'okay...Dave knows all about my secret boyfriend(s).
Monday, March 24, 2008
Overheard this evening
"Whew! smell like poop. And not the good kind, either!".
I'll admit...I laughed so much. Leave it to Ash to say something like this. I, for one, never realized that there was a "good kind" of poop smell. Some poops definitely smell better than others (or, should I say, some are less offensive smelling than others), but I'm not sure where she got this particular bit of info.
*CLARIFICATION* I just asked Ashlyn what she meant earlier, when she said that. She informed me that there are "Golden Poops", (I'm capitalizing, because she made it sound like a proper noun situation) and those are the best kinds, and the one that Loryn had done was definitely not a Golden Poop (emphasis hers).
Well, boy do I feel like an idiot. I had no idea. ;-)
Ash also told her first "real" fib yesterday, about her long fingernails and the fact that her Dad had cut them for her (he hadn't...she bit her fingernails, because she didn't want us to cut them with clippers).
I don't think she lied to get out of trouble, or anything like that. She knows we don't care if she bites her nails (she used to do it all the time, because the sensory overload of the fingernail clippers was too much for her). I think she just had fun telling her story. When I found out that Dave hadn't cut her nails, she giggled and immediately said, "Oh, I was Shelby". (?)
Also tonight, Tori told me "I can't wait till I'm 10!"...and a split second later, "When do you think I'll get my period?"!
Dear Gawd.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Spring!
Happy Spring! Happy Easter! Happy EVERYTHING!
Cute pic, cute kids...
I shot this when the four girls were in the back of Big Daddy's truck, hanging out before we left Danville.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Joke of the Day
Three children were talking about their religions.
"I'm a Catholic," said one, "And our symbol is the cross."
"I'm Jewish," said the second, "And our symbol is the Star of David."
The third child said, "I'm a Unitarian Universalist and our symbol is a candle in a cocktail glass!"

Now playing: Portishead - Glory Box
via FoxyTunes
Monday, March 10, 2008
Kitten lurv
OK, not great vid quality. But these guys are so small, and so dark! One is almost all black, the other is a dark charcoal grey.
Too cute for words. We're can't wait till they're out of their box.
I thought about posting video of Mika giving birth, but decided I'd respect her privacy. She's so dignified, now that she's had babies. She's a great wittle-kitty-Momma.
From Yahoo! News: Comedians to gather for autism benefit
Story here:
NEW YORK - After being surrounded by the dramatic heavyweight stars of the Oscars, Jon Stewart will play host again, this time amid a bevy of comedians.
Stewart will host the second biannual "Night of Too Many Stars: An Overbooked Benefit for Autism Education" on April 13 at the Beacon Theater in New York. The show will air live on Comedy Central (8 p.m. EST).
The night will feature standup routines, sketches and short films from a gluttony of comic talent, including Will Ferrell, Adam Sandler, Steve Carell, Tina Fey, Conan O'Brien, Stephen Colbert, Sarah Silverman and Amy Poehler.
It's the second such benefit and was organized in part due to Robert Smigel, whose son, Daniel, is autistic. Smigel's most famous character, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, will also be attendance.
It was also the first event to air live on Comedy Central. This year's broadcast will also be streamed online the day after. A $1.99 download of the show will be available on iTunes and xBox Live Marketplace, with all proceeds going to charity.
Also appearing will be Matthew Broderick, Jonah Hill, Kevin James, Rosie O'Donnell and Susie Essman.

Too mopey to write a "real" post.
I've got a neck/back problem, and it's 5:45 am.
Hells no, I'm not up this early...are you frickin' kidding?
I haven't really gone to bed...yet. I took a muscle relaxer when I came home from work this afternoon, which knocked me out for 3 hours or so. Around 9:00 this evening I awoke (feeling much like an extra in Dawn of the Dead) and chowed down on some leftover Chinese takeout (which is all-together a separate blog entry in itself).
Alas, some good news (for me, anyway...most of you will be slightly ambivalent at best, sickened at worst): I read that Season 1 of Tim and Eric Awesome Show: Great Job! is being released April 22.
So there's that.
Check out John C. Reilly in this clip. Really. It'll make me feel better, if you do.