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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Things that Suck, Part II

Well, one thing:

5:20 am, when I'm awake waiting for Lolo to go to sleep. 5:20 sucks. Way more than 4:20. No one but God should be up at this hour.

And AGRE is supposed to be calling me today at 1:00, to conduct a one-hour phone interview about Loryn (and Ashlyn, too, I'm assuming).

I don't think I'll be answering. As a matter of fact, I'll be damned if the ringer will even be turned on.

If you need to reach me today, try the celly, yo.


Christine said...

I'm right there with you. Oliver was awake last night from about 12:30 - 4:30. Is it the moon? Barometric pressure? Sometimes I sure do get tired of being the puzzle master and trying to figure all this out! Anyway. ... I sympathize!

momof3feistykids said...

I love Christine's "puzzle master" comment. :-)

Yes, cancer SUCKS with a capital S. My dad is having his prostatectomy tommorrow, and my stepmother is being tested for cancer as well. :-(

The other things you listed suck too. Good luck getting the CATs. I guess you have three you need to test now. The $$$ really start o add up, don't they?

I hope you get a good night's sleep tonight.

Paige said...

Well, I figure $75 per year is way less than all the extraneous BS public schools sell you on (buy wrapping paper to support the PTO, buy candy to support the band, buy the shimmery top if you want to be in show choir, etc). Since we use hardly any *curricula*, the moolah that goes towards testing, plus our "field trip" budget, isn't really that bad.