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Monday, June 11, 2007

Today's Daily Groove!

THE DAILY GROOVE ~ by Scott Noelle

:: Relieving Time Pressure ::

You enjoy parenting most when you feel expansive andflowing -- the way you feel when you're not under anykind of pressure.

One of the most common pressures of modern life is*time pressure*: having to be somewhere or dosomething by a certain time. Young children naturallylive in the moment, not by the clock, so subjectingthem to time pressure usually leads to discord.

To reduce time pressure in your daily groove...

* Decide that geniality (feeling good) is more important than punctuality (being 'right').

* Don't agree to be on time -- build flexibility into your agreements. ("I'll be there around 7:00-ish.")

* When you really want to be on time to an appointment, give yourself LOTS of extra cushion time -- just accept that life with kids is less "efficient."

* Don't rush when you're late -- call and renegotiate! For all you know, the person you're meeting may be late, too.

* When you can get away with it, don't make plans at all! Enjoy living spontaneously!
Feel free to forward this message to your friends!(Please include this paragraph and everything above.)Copyright (c) 2007 by Scott Noelle

I posted today's Daily Groove here, for all to enjoy. Those of you who know me IRL know that this Groove is pretty much the way I live my life. I am often late for things, even if I agree to be at a certain place at a certain "ish" time (for example, "2:00-ish" instead of 2:00).

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