And in a conversation between Shelby and Tori (much hollering between the 2 girls, while playing Maple Story. Tori was upstairs and Shelby, downstairs):
Tori: I've only got 4 bubbles, so don't expect much.
Shelby (from downstairs): I've got 10!
Tori: Cool!
And later:
Tori: Shelby, are you AFK?*
Shelby: NO!
Tori: OK!
And later still:
Shelby (typing to Tori, still on Maple Story): Are bubbles safe to eat?
Tori (typing her response): I don't know.
Shelby: Wanna try?
Tori: Sure!
Right now, at 2:30 am, my 13 year old and my 9 year old are happily playing a very cool MMORPG together. My 8 year old is downstairs with my 13 year old, watching The Whitest Kids U' Know, on Fuse. My 5 year old is brushing her teeth and playing with her Bob the Builder toys (not concurrently, though...she goes back and forth).
Right now, at 2:30 am, there are many, many kids who are in bed but unable to go to sleep. Maybe they wanted to stay up later and play a game, or post a blog entry, or read a book, or watch a Netflix movie. I mean, it's Summer Time! There are so many cool things for kids to do, when they don't have to get up early for school the next day.
I should go to bed, because Dave is off tomorrow and we have some things we want to get done (mainly working in our yard, mulching and planting and such, but we also want some World of Warcraft time, and I have a couple of Netflix movies that I'd like to watch with him), but I wanted to take a moment to share. I wanted to focus, for just a minute, on our quiet happiness that's occurring right here, in our own 2:30 am.
*AFK is chat/game-speak for "Away from keyboard" (for all you noobs).
2:30 a.m. ??? Seriously? :-D
You play World of Warcraft too?? So do I am my two older kids (lol, I say older but they are 6 and 4). My main is 50 (been playing since January). Anyway... cool!
That's *very* cool, Emily!
*Bowing to your level 50 character*
I just leveled up my Gnome Warlock to level 23, Dave (my husband) did the same with his Human Warrior. We started playing together in May (we got WoW for Mother's Day, LOL), so I'm pretty proud of how far we've come along. The best part is, we're having such fun together! Our nightly ritual usually follows this pattern: after I've fixed dinner and helped clean up, he continues to straighten the house (laundry, kids' rooms, cats, etc.) while I spend some time with the kiddos, check my email, what-have-you. Then, we get our WoW ON!
Still trying to convince him to start a Horde character with me, though...sometimes it's nice to feel a little evil. ;-)
Mine were all up past two thirty last night--Tabby was watching a movie with us, Mandy was on myspace, and Shelby was nursing...
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