Anyhoo, I'll meet Shel and BFF Sunday at the Green Valley Book Fair. I've blogged about this place before,'s a book mecca! (That's what the lady with the big-dog Southern accent says on the commercials, anyway).
Oh, at Lowe's, I bought a red Peony (not Peyote, as Dave heard...did I mention that I think Big D has a hearing impairment?), and I might go back for a couple more...I'd like to find some pink ones to plant along one side of our fence.

I also bought a Summer Nights Delphinium and a Blue Fortune Agastache. I hope we can get those planted tomorrow (or actually, later today). I tend to favor deep blues and purples in my garden. Yellow, too, and some dark reds and fuschia. But blue and purple make me very happy. I have an aunt who despises the color blue. She says it makes her nauseous. Weird, random factoid about my family...I've got a hundred of 'em.

Let's see...what else?
I dyed my hair (again). Red (again)! I'm digging the new color, but I still want to cut my hair. I was hoping the new color would satisfy my hair wanderlust, but that ain't happening. My hair is just too long for my liking.
Scratch hair is too heavy, not "too long". Anyone who knows me IRL knows that my hair is pretty short. I will probably never, ever grow my hair long (sorry, hon). I just don't have the patience for it. I despise the "growing-out phase", where I hafta wear barrettes or headbands to keep my bangs out of my eyes and off my forehead.
Maybe I'll try a pixie cut:

My guess is that Shelby will hate it, she'll think I'm copying her hairstyle. As the oldest of four girls, she's very aware of others who try to steal her ideas. :-)
Hmmm...anything else?
Dave is (finally) on vacation! Yippee! Poor thing...he's worked so hard, and has really needed a break for a while now. Hopefully, after this week, he can go back to work refreshed, and work will be steady througout the summer. Dave is a finance and insurance manager for a car dealership...I don't know if I've ever mentioned exactly what he does before.
I should be packing for our mini-vacation, but I'm the Queen of procrastination. I'll post more about our plans later.
Let's see...cute stuff:
Ashlyn told me tonight that she'd like to make homemade chocolate chip cookies tomorrow, and that we could all do it "togever". Is that sweet, or what?
Tori is almost a level 30 on Maple Story. We just bought her (and Shel) Nexon cash cards ($25, each) so that her character and Shelby's character can get married (Tori has a boy character, Shelby has a girl character). The girls are pretty cute together, discussing Tori's tux and the ring she bought for Shelby. Tori said it was a small ring, but Shelby "really liked it". (Hell, they've got it more together than Dave and I did...we got married in a local councilman's office...I was pregnant and we did it on my lunch break, and Shelby carried dandelions from outside the office complex).
Saturday, June 30th was my parents' 18th wedding anniversary. My mom married Kenny 18 years ago...seems like forever. They're a good match. It feels weird, though, to think that this November, Dave and I will have been married 10 years. Me, MOM, 18? I told her today that I just married young, and she married when she was an ol' lady! She was in a good mood, though...she laughed.
More rambling nonsense later...
A red head - eh? Can't wait to see it. :-D
I'm copying my response to your comment over at my blog:
Hi Paige - Well, you're generally MUCH more conscientious about food issues than I am. You've at least *tried* vegan cooking. *LOL*
I think I'll be going to the Farmer's Market every Saturday when I'm not in Greenville. Just taking it week by week right now, depending on Dad & Karen's needs. I'll be in touch next time I go!
Well holy shit, Paige! That is the EXACT SAME picture I printed out for when I get my hair cut. Funny, too, that when I saw Shelby's new cut I thought, "Damn, now I can't chop mine. I'll look like a poseur!"
Funny, I have two friends who have blue gardens where the plant everything bluw...I have been contemplating a White night garden for around the hot tub...
Ah ah ah. Very funny. I don't ALWAYS care. Jeez. I'm offended. =P
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