Wednesday, June 27, 2007
It's 2:30 am. Do you know where your kids are?
And in a conversation between Shelby and Tori (much hollering between the 2 girls, while playing Maple Story. Tori was upstairs and Shelby, downstairs):
Tori: I've only got 4 bubbles, so don't expect much.
Shelby (from downstairs): I've got 10!
Tori: Cool!
And later:
Tori: Shelby, are you AFK?*
Shelby: NO!
Tori: OK!
And later still:
Shelby (typing to Tori, still on Maple Story): Are bubbles safe to eat?
Tori (typing her response): I don't know.
Shelby: Wanna try?
Tori: Sure!
Right now, at 2:30 am, my 13 year old and my 9 year old are happily playing a very cool MMORPG together. My 8 year old is downstairs with my 13 year old, watching The Whitest Kids U' Know, on Fuse. My 5 year old is brushing her teeth and playing with her Bob the Builder toys (not concurrently, though...she goes back and forth).
Right now, at 2:30 am, there are many, many kids who are in bed but unable to go to sleep. Maybe they wanted to stay up later and play a game, or post a blog entry, or read a book, or watch a Netflix movie. I mean, it's Summer Time! There are so many cool things for kids to do, when they don't have to get up early for school the next day.
I should go to bed, because Dave is off tomorrow and we have some things we want to get done (mainly working in our yard, mulching and planting and such, but we also want some World of Warcraft time, and I have a couple of Netflix movies that I'd like to watch with him), but I wanted to take a moment to share. I wanted to focus, for just a minute, on our quiet happiness that's occurring right here, in our own 2:30 am.
*AFK is chat/game-speak for "Away from keyboard" (for all you noobs).
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Unschooled Girls go Wild!
Loryn got naked at Park Day last week (at Wildwood Park, in Bridgewater, VA), and decided to go for a little dip.
Shelby and Tori were just mortified, of course. I thought it was pretty cute.
We Got a Wii!
Dave and I managed to find a Wii just in time for Ashlyn's Birthday.
And No, we don't normally splurge this big for one kid's birthday, but we had been trying to find a Wii since they first came out, with no luck.
Ashlyn hadn't been very helpful, either, as far as telling us what she wanted for her birthday...except that she'd like a Wii. *sheesh*
So fate stepped in, and I found one when I went grocery shopping one night. I called Dave to tell him, and he had just two words for me:
"DO IT!"
Monday, June 18, 2007
June 18
Check out this site, Aspies for Freedom, which promotes the idea that Autism and Asperger's are not disabilities, and that there should be no attempt to "cure" anyone who's on the Autism spectrum.
Good, thoughtful reading.
Friday, June 15, 2007
That's some funny shit, man!
This particular post referenced one of my favorite scary movies, The Exorcist.
And I'm not ashamed to admit that I flat-out laughed out loud whilst reading. A real LOL! Honestly, how often does that happen IRL (in real life)?
'Course, that could be due to my lack of sleep. Who knows?
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Things that Suck, Part II
5:20 am, when I'm awake waiting for Lolo to go to sleep. 5:20 sucks. Way more than 4:20. No one but God should be up at this hour.
And AGRE is supposed to be calling me today at 1:00, to conduct a one-hour phone interview about Loryn (and Ashlyn, too, I'm assuming).
I don't think I'll be answering. As a matter of fact, I'll be damned if the ringer will even be turned on.
If you need to reach me today, try the celly, yo.
Things that Suck
2. Microsoft Vista sucks.
3. Cancer sucks. I have a bumper sticker that says "Cancer sucks" that my friend Dan gave me. He's been through it, so he should know. My Granny has cancer, and is probably dying. She is 86, and just had a mastectomy. Tell me that doesn't suck.
4. End of school year evaluations suck. In Virginia, we have to show "evidence of progress" by a child having scored in or above the fourth stanine on any nationally normed standardized achievement test, or by an assessment or evaluation that the superintendent determines to indicate that the child has achieved an adequate level of growth and progress. I've really got to get on board...these evaluations, whichever route you decide to go, are to be submitted by August 1. I haven't even ordered our CAT test yet. I'll put the order in this week...I promise!
5. Having a yeast infection sucks. Having a yeast infection along with your period sucks BALLS. 'Nuff said.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Today's Daily Groove!
:: Relieving Time Pressure ::
You enjoy parenting most when you feel expansive andflowing -- the way you feel when you're not under anykind of pressure.
One of the most common pressures of modern life is*time pressure*: having to be somewhere or dosomething by a certain time. Young children naturallylive in the moment, not by the clock, so subjectingthem to time pressure usually leads to discord.
To reduce time pressure in your daily groove...
* Decide that geniality (feeling good) is more important than punctuality (being 'right').
* Don't agree to be on time -- build flexibility into your agreements. ("I'll be there around 7:00-ish.")
* When you really want to be on time to an appointment, give yourself LOTS of extra cushion time -- just accept that life with kids is less "efficient."
* Don't rush when you're late -- call and renegotiate! For all you know, the person you're meeting may be late, too.
* When you can get away with it, don't make plans at all! Enjoy living spontaneously!
Feel free to forward this message to your friends!(Please include this paragraph and everything above.)Copyright (c) 2007 by Scott Noelle
I posted today's Daily Groove here, for all to enjoy. Those of you who know me IRL know that this Groove is pretty much the way I live my life. I am often late for things, even if I agree to be at a certain place at a certain "ish" time (for example, "2:00-ish" instead of 2:00).
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Dave and Shelby
Dave and Shelby, horsing around outside while visiting my Dad, and my Aunt Brenda and Uncle Wayne. Taken in Alberta, Virginia.
My Dad, my Girls, and Me
This is probably the first pic I've taken with my Dad in over 10 years. It's the only pic I have of he and I together with my girls.
I hope now that he's in Virginia, we can have a better relationship. That at least, we can talk, and he can get to know my family a little better.
I just had to get this shot.
I heard Loryn in the kitchen the other night, her little voice going, "Hep...HEP!".
Of course, when I went to appraise the damage, she wasn't upset in the least. After all, she had climbed on top of the fridge (by climbing up from the stove-top), so that she could reach her beloved "babeenas".
First, she plays with her poop, now this?
It's getting to be a fucking zoo around here.
The "8 Things" Meme...
To borrow a phrase from my good friend Steph, "Those who can, write. Those who can' Memes!".
6. I'm not religious. I don't believe in a christian god. I think of myself as a spiritual agnostic,
with Wiccan tendencies.
7. One of my favorite books is The World According to Garp, by John Irving. As far as flicks go, I'm a big fan of documentaries and independent films. Gotta love the IFC and Sundance channels!
8. I'm not a joiner, and I consider it my mission to question everything...especially authority!
I'm not tagging anyone, but send me your links if you respond to this meme. I'd love to see your 8 things!
Friday, June 1, 2007
Bouncing in, for a sec...
{That is, if I can tear myself away from World of Warcraft. My Level 11 Dwarf Warlock almost has his VOIDWALKER! (Thanks for the link, babe)!}
Oh, as if that's not enough...I also have the Scripps National Spelling Bee to watch tonight! (I recorded it...did I ever mention how much I love the DVR)?
I'm having an overload of GEEKY GOODNESS, here!
But I popped in for a bit, just to mention this really cool blog that I've been enjoying muchly. What a neat guy...a philosopher, of sorts...who's really got his shit together! (Pardon my French)!