(See previous post here for more details...or actually, DON'T see said post, especially if you haven't eaten yet. Or, especially if you are in the process of eating breakfast, or lunch, or dinner...whatever...you may not want to read that post. In fact, if you're prone to nausea at all, you may not want to read here...I'm all about getting the gory details out in the open. There, you've been warned).
So, Lolo hasn't been struggling with constipation lately (good news), but she still plays with her poopy diapers. And if you're not fast-on-your-feet-quick-as-a-flash to change her soiled diaper, then just realize that you are going to be cleaning up a little shit-covered hand, in addition to the soiled diaper.
Hence: Shit-Fist.
My older kids even know how to warn me: "Mom! Shit-Fist!" Or, "Mom...Lolo's shit-fisting again!".
And, yes...I do know of that other definition for the word fist, and that the word shit PLUS that other definition of fist introduces a whole new level of depravity here at A Beautiful Child, but let's face it: Shit-Fist is truly the best way to describe this little...ahem...activity of Loryn's.
Earlier this evening, I was downstairs with the girlies. While I puttered around online, they were watching Family Guy together, and we were all happy as pigs in shit (pun intended). All of a sudden, Ash calls out, "Oh my God...Shit-Fist, Mama!".
Crap! (Literally, ha ha).
I turned around to see Loryn sticking her hand down the back of her diaper, and while I shouted, "No, No, NO, Loryn!", she pulled her hand out (covered in poop, of course) and a little clump of shit fell to the carpet.
I groaned, probably sounding like some sort of wild beast, in labor.
And what did Lolo do?
She smiled, and then laughed out loud! Had the nerve to laugh at her Mama, who had to clean up this poop on the carpet, gagging and retching through it all!
Oh, but how could I stay pissed off at my girl? Look at that punim!
These are from after her bath:

(No, that isn't a third nipple on Loryn's chest...just a bump).
So, because I had a shitty day (again...pun intended...I'm so fucking witty tonight!), I treated myself Big Time! after all that mess.
Did I ever mention how much I love iTunes? I bought Rufus' new album (YAY...I got it early!), and (because I had forgotten all about it!), Afternoon Delight (two versions: the original, by Starland Vocal Band, and from Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, Will Ferrell's version.
Speaking of Will Ferrell, (and, if you like Will Ferrell), check out this clip. Dave sent this to me, and I get the giggles every time I watch it. NSFW, by the way...there are a few bad words.
Ah ... and I thought you were a Science Fiction aficionado. Ewwwwwwww ... :-D
By the way, I didn't know that other definition of "fist." Thank you for expanding my horizons. (Sounds a little painful to me, but what do I know?)
It never ceases to amaze me what you can find in Wikipedia!
Oh, Steph...only YOU would give a "thank you for expanding my horizons" over THAT entry. ;-) Oh gawd...I love ya, kid. You just made my night!
Um, just one question: you have that tagged under "fun stuff"?!
I think the "fun stuff" tag refers to the Will Ferrell clip. Of course, I can't speak for Paige. Maybe her idea of *fun* is WAYYYY different from ours. :-P
Fun is relative, of course.
It might be best if we didn't ask anymore questions, hmmm? ;-P
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