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Monday, February 26, 2007

Coo Coo Ka Cha!

What can I say? I'm sick, and mopey...and this show really cheers me up when I'm down. Come on!

1 comment:

momof3feistykids said...

I can't get these videos to run on my laptop. Bummer ... I could use a mindless diversion about now. :-P

Keeping you in my thoughts. I understand what it's like questioning everything about yourself - especially your parenting. I'm going through that too. FWIW, I was serious when I said you are probably the most nurturing and patient mother I have ever seen. You also seem to have an amazing ability to look at your girls' strengths and challenges head-on. There is nobody whose loving instincts about her kids I respect more than yours. Hope that came out right.

Love - Me