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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Can I Kick It?


Watching YO! MTV hits, which is showing clips of old Yo! MTV Raps shows from 1989-1990 (my junior year in high school), which leads to videos from Biz Markie, LL Cool J, A Tribe Called Quest, etc. Which leads me to search old skool videos on YouTube, which leads me to this: Fraggle Rock meets DJ Kool's Let Me Clear My Throat (live).

And YES, I was doing the Ed Lover Dance. Tori, who had been watching all this silliness, just said, "'re NUTS"!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I love Google!

Now, this is what I've been waiting for: Gmail Custom Time!

Now I can send back-dated emails, and they'll show up in correct chronological order in your inbox! Everyone who knows me knows that I'm always I'll have my "out". I quote Miriam S., one of Google's Beta users:

The entire concept of 'late' no longer exists for me. That's pretty cool. Thanks Gmail!

On a similar note, I logged onto Blogger a bit ago, to find even more internet goodness: Google Weblogs! If you're a Blogger, well...blogger ;-), click on the Check it out link at the bottom of this page, for more info on this cool new way to blog. This will be perfect for me! Take a look at this, from the above link:

Don’t limit yourself to “reverse chronological” publishing. Our advanced Google algorithms put your best content at the top of your blog. Even if your later work goes downhill your previous posts will still shine.

(OK...I seriously fell for this one. Yep, I got TayRolled!)

Now playing: Rufus Wainwright - April Fools
via FoxyTunes